Scorrevole 1

This title is a composition of electronic-concrete music, realized in 1976. Many sounds are recorded outside with a portable tape deck and a Sennheiser stereo microphone MKE 2002 and then the sounds are elaborated with the concrete music traditional techniques.


Scorrevole 3 e Fluttuazioni
The artist mingles electronics with percussive and environmental sounds to create Zen-like moods.
Usually there are only one or two things going on at a time, generating a pastoral, relaxed state, but the electronics and/or percussion may briefly surprise or raise a clamor. Imagine sitting by a lake in the Rockies in spring while watching the movie Tron on your portable TV, with your Tibetan monk who likes the sound of reverberant bass drums, bells, and thumb pianos.
Luckily, Sinigaglia organizes the sounds in way not too disjointed to form a mildly dramatic trance experience. The experiences are intensified by the superb recording so that the storm, ducks, water, etc. are very vivid.
Tom Grove (Option Jul/Aug 87)


